Lottie animation that can be paused and continued

Alexander Martin forked from Merry Christmas!

This document shows how to pause and resume a Lottie animation using a tickHandler and a TouchWrapper.

Click on Santa to pause the Lottie animation, after clicking again the animation will resume.

All APL components you need to pause or resume your own Lottie animation are marked in the code with


This APL document is a fork. This Lottie animation may not be used without purchasing a license.

Shows a santa riding a sleigh with Alexa greeting you merry christmas to a backdrop of sleigh bells. The animation uses APL vector graphics and the greeting uses APL for audio. For some reason the animation doesn't correctly center in the preview but works fine on devices. The animation originally came from https://lottiefiles.com/33335-christmas-santa-claus. I purchased the animation but unless you also purchased a license please don't use it directly. The same applies to the background and sleigh bell audio. Merry Christmas!


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